
So today, as I expected, I overdid it. I did try more potato-cheddar soup which was good and filling, BUT Sam and I also spent too much time walking on the beach and the wharf. It was really nice to get out for fresh air, I just maybe shouldn't have gotten so much of it. I am now completely spent. I don't have any regrets because I really enjoyed seeing the art show on the boardwalk, putting my feet in the ocean, and walking down the wharf. I just need to remember that I should break up these events, after all I am recovering from major surgery...sometimes I am too stubborn for my own good.

My pain level is still the same- 6/10. My muscles in my joints just feel a bit more tense, and the rest of my body is letting me know it's going to be an early bed time tonight! My biggest complaint right now is the numbness in my chin (because it hurts/feels like burning) and the numbness on the right side of my nose/below my right eye (because it has a constant itching feeling). The itching is comparable to having an itch on the bottom of your foot and you just can't get to it....yeah that feeling, 24/7. I think both these sensations mean my nerves are waking up, lets just hope they wake up soon :)

I am still surprised I never really had any bad bruising! I know it is good that I didn't bruise, but I am kinda disappointed, I was really looking forward to some awesome battle wounds!

I coughed up some more mucus today, so I am still being very careful about doing my deep breathing exercises and coughing up everything I can!

There are two new obstacles that have come up in the last day or so. First, yawning. Wow, is it hard!! I don't even know the rules about yawning, so I will have to ask Dr. G on Tuesday. Currently I am trying to minimize the yawn and not open my mouth really at all, which takes little effort because of the elastics. Secondly, the hiccups. These are just really annoying and for some reason seem to hurt more than they did before surgery. I also can't use my usual techniques for getting rid of hiccups because of being banded shut. For now I just do deep breathing and try to ignore them.

Cravings are kicking in big time. I would do anything for a pizza...I've decided that later this week when I'm cleared for a "particle" blended diet I am going to eat some blended pizza sauce with peperoni. Judge all you want, I need it. Tonight Sam is ordering a pizza for dinner just so I can smell it! I'm excited!

After this long exhausting day, I am still smiling and loving my new jaw :)


  1. Have fun, but don't overdo it. Don't do anything that would cause you to miss your plane on Tues -- next one won't be first class!

    Bring home all your meds - who knows when they'll be needed

    Markayla came out of her back surgery 2" taller and is doing fine -- sorry but you didn't gain any, so I'm still taller [ha ha]

    Glad you're feeling as good as you are; check your email - Dr. Mac sent us one from Vietnam which I forwarded to you! Your team is keeping track of you.

    Get some rest & we'll see you in a few days. I don't miss the 2AM & 6AM meds. Sam's welcome to them.



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