Day 5 Post-Op
Yesterday/Last night was horrible for pain. I was around a 7-10 depending on the time. I woke up at 5:30 this morning at a 10, took some pain medication and woke up again at 8ish with pain at a 8. Dr. G has given me a new pain prescription that Dad has gone out to get, and I just took. Lets cross our fingers that this one works...
Swelling is the same, light yellowing starting to form on my right cheek. I still have bloody nose and congestion.
I'm going back to sleep. If I'm up to it later I'll post more pictures and update...
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Swelling is the same, light yellowing starting to form on my right cheek. I still have bloody nose and congestion.
I'm going back to sleep. If I'm up to it later I'll post more pictures and update...
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
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