3 Times A Charm

So I just took the newest pain med. I feel better already! I'd say I'm at a 7, but I know after I nap I will feel even better...I just wanted to update here so no one would worry as my previous post was desperate.

Day 5 profile:

Day 5 Front:

Profile comparison- Two Days Pre-Op to Five Days Post-Op:

Still taking in my needed fluids. To my surprise I haven't gotten sick of any of them yet! Boost is my best friend, and Special-K with protein is also pretty good. Gatorade and Water are two other staples. I have had tea, but I find the flavors to be too much some how.

That's all I'm going to post for now...I hope I don't have any big news to report on later today. I did take my second shower yesterday, and let me tell you, it was awesome. Still can't get my face wet because of the Frankenstein stitch, but it was really great just to come out feeling fresh!

Thanks everyone for your support and prayers....mmmm nap time :) smiling!


  1. This is great! I can 'tune in' and see how you're doing!! I love it.

    I think the new medication will work fine.

    See you tomorrow.


  2. Wow, it looks like the swelling has come down quite a bit. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Btw, is that Dr. Gunson who commented above?? That's awesome of him to take the time to do that!


  3. Glad you're feeling better! Thank you for all of the updates! I think about you a lot and it's nice to see how you're doing!
    Hope you had a good nap! :)
    love, b

  4. Yay, we can see your smile again :)

  5. love you mar!!! i'm glad you're feeling better. stay positive!!

  6. Looks like you're healing is coming along. What does pain medications does Dr. Gunson have you on and how often do you take them?

  7. Hi Ryan,
    The first pain medication I was on was Tramadol 2tsp/4hrs, the second was Lortab 2tsp/4hrs. Neither one of these seemed to take away my pain. I have a high tolerance level for pain so I am assuming that my nerves were not stretched as much as Dr.G initially thought they would be. (Nerves stretched = no feeling)Now I am on Oxy 3tsp/4hrs. This is really helping, but it is also causing nausea. For the nausea I have a patch I wear for three days at a time, and a pill that i put inside my cheek and it dissolves.


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