Day 21....Black Jack!

I've made it to 3 weeks! Black Jack!

Wow, so today started out quite rough. After getting the approval yesterday for taking 1 more muscle relaxer at bed time to help with relaxing my jaw muscles I slept quite well...waking up on the other hand, was rough. I was in a lot of pain and very stiff. To get out of bed I had to ask for Sam's help, my legs were so wobbly! I made it to the living room where I perched myself on the futon for a couple hours where I "ate" breakfast and took my morning meds. which includes a muscle relaxer. I decided about 30 min later I was going to try to make my day better by taking a shower....forgetting I had taken the muscle relaxer...needless to say while in the shower the muscle relaxer kicked in and it made things interesting...made it through the shower, had to prop myself up to get dressed, and then perched myself on the futon for a good ol' nap for a couple hours.

So I guess I've learned my lesson with the muscle relaxers, don't take them and try to do anything....haha maybe my body will adjust with time. For now I am going to be careful. I have been yawning A LOT in the last few days and it is so difficult and painful...I have not yet found a way to make it easier. If anyone has any advice, I am all ears! Speaking of ears, my ears are feeling better, but still have water in them and are a bit painful.

I'm noticing my day-to-day pictures are slightly changing, and showing small decreases in swelling. I am happy about this progress, but I don't feel the need after this 3 Week mark to do daily photos anymore. I will probably to them weekly, or if I have something momentous to show.

My pain level today started at a 8, after taking Extra Strength Tylenol & muscle relaxer I got down to a 6.

The awareness of the feeling in my mouth and my nerves is still very aggravating, but I am learning to cope with this pain. It is a type of pain I've never had to deal with's difficult because I have always considered myself to have a high pain tolerance, and I feel like this process has proved me wrong. I'm going to have to prove it wrong, and stay strong. The one place where I still don't have even an inkling of feeling coming back is my bottom lip on the right side. Maybe this will come back in the coming weeks...I can hope. I am even more aware of the feeling of what I think is a plate below my eye. I am very anxious to get my post-op x-rays so I know where all of the plates are.

I had a lot of "alone" time this evening while Sam was at work, however before he left for work we were happy have visitors! D and JP stopped by with Pepe the dog and it was great to have some company. Thanks for stopping by guys! The rest of the late afternoon/evening I had to myself to rest. Once 8:00 rolled around I was excited to have Mike, Rach & her brother Drew stop by to hang out for the evening. YAY!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am going to be enjoying some Pumpkin soup, I've heard great things about the recipe so I hope it lives up to my expectations :) I'm looking forward to seeing some family and watching some football!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Smiling :)


  1. Keep smiling Mary! you are very strong!!!!
    Have a nice Thanksgiving day!!!

  2. You're doing great! I still can't believe how much the swelling has come down. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving! Are you going to blend/liquify some turkey, stuffing, and other food for today???


  3. Thanks Pa! I appreciate your support!

    Dan- The swelling coming down is awesome! It's hard for me to see when I look in the mirror, so I am glad I have the pictures to look at. I'm going to to to liquefy some turkey and gravy...maybe some stuffing...ha I don't know, we'll see how it goes. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!


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