4 Weeks Post-Op

I've made it to 4 weeks post-op! I'm currently playing the waiting game on the Botox. Doctors playing phone tag on opposite sides of the country...I hope they connect soon so these muscle spasms can stop...

My pain level is the same, I really hope I can start going to PT soon because I think it will help. I am tired...always tired. I have been trying to get more calories and protein in. I think eating more and doing some light exercise would do me wonders. Although, slow and steady wins the race, right?

My exercises and mouth stretching are going well. It does take a while for my jaw to "warm up" and reach it's max ROM of 13mm right now. I am making progress brushing, really focusing on trying to open as wide as I can to see my teeth in the mirror. This is very exhausting, but is worth it.

I've decided that I still really enjoy cooking even if I can't eat the food. It makes me feel useful :)

I think I'm going to keep this a short post and post again later with pictures...

Smiling On!


  1. i agree that slow and steady wins the race, but just remember that you can't run very well on low fuel!

    glad you liked the pic today...if you get a chance, post it on facebook so mom can see it.

    love ya!!!

  2. You should try going for walks or short bike rides! I always get energized with my morning bike rides to school and evening walks. :)


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