Trip To The ER....not my ideal afternoon...

So at 1:30 I had my second post-op with Dr.G. He took off my rubber bands and had me practice opening my mouth, and shutting, and opening, and shutting...for about 10 minutes. He looked all inside and checked my bite to make sure it was perfect, and it is! Phew!! He then had to put the elastics back on, which hurt more because they are fresh ones, not stretched out from the week + of use. I also asked to be weighed since I hadn't been weighed since before surgery. Before surgery I was 172lbs @ 5'11". Today I weighed in at 160lbs. I put on 20lbs for surgery, so losing 12lbs is good!

Dr. Gunson also checked my breathing because I told him I had started coughing up some mucus again. After listening to my lungs he decided it would be best to get a chest x-ray. Better to be safe than sorry! So Mom and I drove right from his office to the ER to get the chest x-ray done. At this point it had been 4 hours since my last pain med dose. I thought I would be okay waiting till the x-rays were done. But I was very wrong. By the time I was admitted my pain was at an 8, then we were there for 2 hours...mostly just doing a lot of waiting. By the time we left I was in tears and at a 10. This is pain I have never felt before, it was horrible. I was also starving! When I was admitted to the ER I said I was in pain and I usually took my pain medication at this time, but they didn't even blink an eye. Then when I said the pain was getting worse (and I was crying) they did nothing to help me but say they would get things done as quick as possible (2 hours). By the time I was done there they decided I did not have pneumonia, but acute bronchitis...just some random phlegm to cough up, no infection. This is good news, but at the time I was mad because if I had waited in pain for so long I wanted there to be a good reason!

When I got home I drank a whole Special-K shake and took my pain medication. I am now down to about a 7-8. I have learned my lesson with my pain, I have gotta stay on top of it! Dr. G said my body is sensitive to the grafts which is why I am in more pain than some people. He told me that by day 14 it should be better, so sometime next week.

I realized while at the ER that talking is way more difficult than I thought it was. It is very frustrating. The only way it's going to get better is if I practice. A lot of my problem is swallowing, which, as I've stated before, is difficult because of my throat configuration now.

One positive thing I noticed today was that I no longer have swelling around my collar bone! I don't know how long it's been back for, but it is nice to be able to see it again. My ears are still quite clogged up, I imagine that it'll get better when my face swelling goes down.

I did remember to ask Dr.G about my mysterious mark on my ear, he said it was probably from the face wrap thing they put on during surgery...sooo really nothing special there....quite anti-climactic.

I can still feel aches on my neck and back from laying on the operating table, I really wish I could sit in a hot tub...but I can't do that for a few more weeks...for now I'm going to use a heat pad.

Tomorrow Sam finally flies in in the afternoon!!! I am very excited and hope his travel day is smooth.

That is all the jaw blog I can think of today...I'm glad I don't have pneumonia, I'm happy my pain is now getting down to a reasonable level, I'm happy Dr. G was happy with the look of my jaw/bite, and I am very excited Sam is coming tomorrow!

So despite the out-of-sorts day, I am still Smiling!


  1. I'm sorry that your pain was bad today, mar!! that sucks about having to go to the ER, but I'm really glad it isn't anything serious! Tell mom to have a good flight tomorrow. I know you're going to enjoy Sam being with you. Let me know if you need anything. I know I'm far away, but I can still do stuff! Love ya!!!

  2. You expirenced the backlash of all the drug seekers going to the ER, Mary. The ER should have medicated you for pain. ERs are focused ONLY on the presenting problem, the possible pneumonia. "Treat and Street" is an ER motto. The nurses and doctors should have listened to you and treated your pain. If you had said you were there for uncontrolled pain, they would have. If it happens again, say you are there for both things.


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