Dayy 11 Post-Op

This morning we had to bring Mom to the airport at 4:30. I hope that she has a good flying day!

Day 11 feels a lot like day 10. I get fatigued easily, pain level is at about a 6, and I feel like swelling is even about the same. Sam says he thinks the swelling went down from yesterday, but it feels the same to me. Today's pictures are as great as other days as I had to use my camera phone. Mom and Dad took their cameras with them, so the 'ol camera phone will have to do.

I feel a lot of pressure or strain in my jaw joint areas, and I have a headache right behind my eyes. I am trying to up my calorie intake to help with the fatigue and maybe it'll help my headaches as well. Because my pain level has been stable for a couple of days I am lowering my Oxy by only 1/2 a tsp. from 3 to 2.5. It seems to be working just as well, so I feel good about it.
My nose is still running quite a bit. Not bloody at all, just drainage. It's annoying because a lot of the time I can't feel it because the right side of my nose is numb. I just keep a tissue on hand at all times. Yesterday Mom cooked me some cream of potato-cheddar soup. This was the first food outside of a shake of some sort that I've tried. It was really good, but I had to thin it out A LOT, and even though it was "creamy" it still had to be strained. I was full after having only a small cup of it. I tried eating it with a spoon, but it was much easier to drink it out of a plastic cup. It was still exhausting to try and swallow. But I'm going to keep at it! Today Sam and I are going to venture out into "the real world." I haven't been out of the hotel room or a doctors office since surgery. We're going to go to the beach and walk along the wharf. I imagine I am going to get really tired, really fast, but I need to try to get better. Okay I really don't have much else to report on...I'll let you all know how the afternoon in "the real world" goes.

Smile on! :)


  1. Mary, "you're looking marvelous" as Billy Crystal would say. Don't try to do too much -- don't need any setbacks at this stage. Keep up the good work!

    See you in a day or two. Try to get some rest on the plane home.



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