Feeling Better...Holding Steady
So today started out quite rough...I slept for most of the morning and rested for the afternoon. I was able to get a new pain prescription which I hope I will only need for a couple more days. My sister, Katy, has been helping me out all afternoon. We went to Costco to get my prescriptions and some bulk food. I appreciate all of her help! She has been helping me unpack my bags from California, and organize all of my new food into our tiny kitchen. Normally I love to unpack and organize, but my energy level is at about a 2 these days....that and whenever I try to do anything Katy reminds me I need to rest and sets me up on the futon with pillows and blankets and liquids :)
So my pain right now is about a 5. I am feeling so much better now than I was this morning! It is like a complete 180! I still do not have feeling in all of my bottom lip, or my right cheek/nostril, or chin. I think I have feeling everywhere else, although each day I feel like it changes a little bit. I have tingly, itchy, burning feelings all over so I am very hopeful that I am going to get all the feeling back in my face. I can feel the incision site in my upper jaw. The incision is right at the top of the gum line above my front teeth. The site is very tight, which is why I need to stretch it by making fishy and kissy faces. I think my swelling is a little worse today, but I think I also fell over in my sleep last night so I wasn't propped up the way I should be.
I started my anti-inflammatory medicine today so that will probably help with the residual swelling. Tonight for dinner I had my first real pureed food- Chicken Alfredo (with milk to thin it out)! It was very delicious! I have to drink everything, I tried to use a spoon, but because I have to eat with my teeth closed by my bands it is very messy and nearly impossible. It is much easier to just drink everything. I still get food on my face, but at least there is more that goes in than goes on my face :)
I have decided to try and focus more on resting and not feeling guilty about resting. I just feel like I need to do things, but I NEED to focus on getting better. Seems simple, but I really have a hard time with this. Sometimes I forget I just had surgery two weeks ago...I mean MAJOR surgery...I need to give myself a break and rest and relax...hold steady & stay positive.
Here's the profile today...same as it has been? I think so, but I try not to spend a lot of time over analyzing my appearance as it will change constantly over the next year. The only time I spend looking in the mirror is to put on or take off my bands, or to clean my face. It is good not to obsess.
I am enjoying being home very much, but still feel nervous about being so far away from Dr.G and his team. Luckily they are easily available via email and phone...hopefully I don't become one of those annoying paranoid patients...we'll see....haha
I still get runny colored drainage...still have a clogged right ear, and still find it unnatural to swallow pills, which I now have to do everyday. I am getting better at it, but it will take some time I'm sure.
....still smiling, even on a rough day when it seems like I am taking steps backwards, I am moving forward in other ways...Thanks to everyone for your support!

I have decided to try and focus more on resting and not feeling guilty about resting. I just feel like I need to do things, but I NEED to focus on getting better. Seems simple, but I really have a hard time with this. Sometimes I forget I just had surgery two weeks ago...I mean MAJOR surgery...I need to give myself a break and rest and relax...hold steady & stay positive.
Here's the profile today...same as it has been? I think so, but I try not to spend a lot of time over analyzing my appearance as it will change constantly over the next year. The only time I spend looking in the mirror is to put on or take off my bands, or to clean my face. It is good not to obsess.

I still get runny colored drainage...still have a clogged right ear, and still find it unnatural to swallow pills, which I now have to do everyday. I am getting better at it, but it will take some time I'm sure.
....still smiling, even on a rough day when it seems like I am taking steps backwards, I am moving forward in other ways...Thanks to everyone for your support!
Oh Mary, you look AWESOME! The change day to day is very noticeable! I think you look different, but it could be because I'm used to seeing pics of you with that huge Moford smile! Can you take any pics with an open smile so we can see the front band you were describing? It sounds gnarly. :) Lots of love from OH!