Day 40 Post-Op...Hook Pain

Last night (Sunday night) I had an appointment with my Orthodontist (Dr. C) and my NYC Dentist/Periodontist (Dr. Mac). The appointment was from 8:15 to nearly 10PM. It was a good appointment to see them both and hear what they have to say about my surgery (all positive). Dr. Mac worked on stabilizing my teeth a bit. I had some metal on metal contact with the bands in the back. My biggest concern at the moment is the hook. Below is a picture of the screw on the top, I connect the band from the screw to the wire hook (that is in my jaw bone & through my flesh). As stated in my last post, this pain is excruciating, stomach churning, pain. Last night Dr. Mac put a special topical ointment on the area before attaching the band and I could still feel it. The Dr's discussed how to maybe alleviate some of the pain. The solution last night was to put the band under the top wire (shown below) instead of going over it. This did not see to feel any better last night, and today it just made my gums angry. You can see the impression of the band on my gums in the picture below. I just want the hook to stop hurting and pulling on my flesh.
This all being said, I am happy to be at day 40! How the time flies! Progress is slow, but each day I am closer to a new positive. Right now my focus is foooood! Ha, when isn't this my focus? I would love some spaghetti! Dr. Chira gave me some really positive news last night, she hopes that I will be out of braces in 4 months!! I was really just hoping to be out of them by next fall, so 4 months is amazing!!! I cannot wait! I will have some restorative stuff to do to my teeth, but I am thrilled to be so closed to the end after years and years of all of this!

Yesterday, before my late night appointment I noticed my swelling on my left side going I think it is back up to where it was. My joints are so tired and sore from yesterday still. I have been taking Tylenol and using heat. The Tylenol helps, but I can only take so much of it. The heat does ease some of the pain as well.

I thought I'd share some of the holiday decorating Sam and I have done. It really puts me in the holiday spirit, even if I don't have my gifts ready yet...right down to the wire, yet again :)

The tree is just about 4 feet tall, we're quite proud of the way it turned out.

I think that's all I have to share today...very frustrated and pained by the is exhausting. Happy to be getting closer to Christmas, the New Year, and Soft Food (yes, it is a holiday in my eyes).

Smiling On!


  1. ick, that hook/screw thing looks so painful! when does it come out?

  2. isn't supposed to come out till March...

  3. well a lot of that sounds horrible and makes me sad but to focus on the positive, no braces in 4 months?!?! amazing!! and the ole apartment looks quite spiffy! makes me miss you guys and my room :(

  4. aww cro you'll see your room soon enough!!

  5. you're looking great mar!!! i'm glad that you got to decorate. i know it helps me get in a better mood! love you!

  6. Hey Mary, you're doing great! Sorry to hear about the pain. Hopefully it will get better with time.

    Btw, you mentioned that you'll need restorative stuff done to your teeth after the braces are off. What sort of stuff do you mean? (if you don't mind me asking :o)

    Take care!

  7. Thanks Dan! The pain is slowly getting better! The restorative stuff, meaning reshaping some of my teeth just so they all fit perfectly together. This probably won't happen till my braces are off so they can see exactly what shape my upper premolers need to be (they are acting as cainines as mine were taken out when I was 12 or so...silly doctors I used to have...). Also, my molars need some fine tuning. My ortho and perio are very picky and seek perfection, and my jaw needs it because of the arthritis that is trying to heal.


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