Day 20...The nerves are coming alive!

Today I have become painfully aware of my mouth. This seems weird to say, but I can feel inside my mouth much more than I could before, and it is painful and awkward. I don't know how to describe it other than that. To add to it, I am no longer on my pain medicine. I am trying Extra Strength Tylenol, it seems to be taking the "edge" off, but it is not perfect. I am happy to be getting my nerves back, I just wish it didn't have to hurt so much! On a positive note I got the green light to take a little extra muscle relaxer to help with the spasms. This is a GREAT relief! And so far it is helping a great deal today!

I think the look of my face is starting to come through the swelling. Today I had another appointment with Dr. Myers. She is still very excited about how far I have come! I also went to physical therapy. I just went over the surgery, and my exercises and that was it! Again I got a great reception, with very positive feedback! I still did not get enough rest today, but I get to sleep in tomorrow. I am very much looking forward to it!

I am still having a hard time finding food I like, but I am still working at it. I had tomato soup with milk for lunch and that was quite delicious! I like eggnog as a snack :) I think that's all I'll blog on today, not much else is going on differently than yesterday.

Smiling on!


  1. Hey Mary! I can't believe its been 20 days!! That is momentous!! Congratulations on making it so far and still smiling. :) Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I'm sure you have a lot to be thankful for. :)


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