Tomorrow is looming... Botox Day!

So tomorrow morning at 11:30 I go in to see Dr. H to get my bottle of botox injected into my face. Awesome. (Note sarcasm.) I am quite nervous about each shot, not knowing how many they are going to need to do, but using a whole bottle of botox sounded like a lot from what his office said. Hopefully it works. Hopefully I don't have a bad reaction from it. I hope that they put some sort of numbing cream or something on my face before doing the shots because I have feeling in my face, unlike right after surgery. I really am more nervous about this than I was about my surgery. I think it's because I just don't know that much about it. However, that being said, I trust in my doctors and that this is what I need to force my muscles to cooperate.

Today I had my weekly appointment with my ortho. My ROM is up 1mm to 14mm. She was concerned because part of my mandible is/was "wobbly." Now "wobbly" isn't a term that anyone really likes to hear unless they are 8 yrs old and wishing a tooth would fall out. To help out this wobbly section she did some teeth reshaping so my bite would fit a little "better" and she also had my change the strength of the bands along with the configuration of the bands. I am now being extra, extra careful about NOT talking...I really don't want to mess anything up.

With the stress of today, and the stress looming for tomorrow I decided that I have the worst food cravings under the stress. I was so annoyed by my liquid diet today, and until I realized it was because I was stressed it was really putting me in a crabby mood. Once I realized the stress was the trigger I was able to once again accept my liquid diet.

I will update tomorrow post-botox...tonight I am going to try to get a good nights rest and hope I am making a bigger deal out of the botox than I need to...ha you can just call me Joan Rivers...

Seriously though, I am looking forward to the expected muscle relaxation and lack of spasms!

Hopefully the botox doesn't change my smile....


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