Lip & Chin Twitching

My lip & chin do this a lot throughout the day/night. It is completely involuntary. It's my nerves waking up, which is pretty cool to see. Sometimes it's just my chin, sometimes just my lip, and sometimes-like in this video- it is both at once. It usually isn't painful, unless it spasms VERY hard/tight. Anyway, enjoy :)



  1. Can the guppy have fish food? Love, DAD

  2. ha thanks Dad...I hope you and Mom had a nice anniversary! :) Pizza & Champagne!

  3. Wow, I really thought you were doing that on purpose! I expected it to be waaay more subtle than that. At least it's not usually painful!

    Keep hanging in there! You're doing great!


  4. Thanks Dan, it really is crazy! But the more it twitches, the more I can start to feel in my chin and is VERY slow coming back...I can just now barely feel touch on my chin in just the slightest way, and my bottom lip, on the right side...still no feeling to touch, but I do get burning feelings!

  5. hahahahahaha, its like they're dancing to the music! :)


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