Day 45....

Wow! Sorry about no blogs this week! I guess it has slipped by the wayside in the preparation for the holiday's. Let's see, I'll try and recap the week...Tuesday I saw my Osteopath (Dr. Myers). She is still pleased with my progress, but we were both disappointed with the return of some swelling after seeing Dr.'s Chira and Mac. I also made gingerbread houses with some friends I hadn't seen a while, and it was nice to see them!

On Wednesday I found out my cat passed away @ 14yrs. He had a tumor on his brain and it took over in the last month...which is very sad to me because I wasn't able to spend time with him since surgery... On a happier note-I was able to see different friends, catch up, and think of what I am going to do once the healing is am I going to transition into teaching after being out of "the game" for so long? Lot's to think about on this...

Thursday was very relaxing and the heat was FINALLY turned on in our apartment! It certainly came on at a good time as it was getting below zero out. I can't stand the cold normally, and this year with new plates and screws it is even worse! I make sure to cover my face with a scarf when going outside. If I don't do this it is a bit painful. I'm still waiting on getting the pictures of my x-rays from post-op in the mail. Hopefully I'll get them next week. The office said they were sending them out this week.

Yesterday was full of visiting, gift wrapping, and my parents annual holiday party. It was good to see everyone, however I most definitely talked too much. By the end of the night I was exhausted and my face had swollen back up...AND I was hungry. Being surrounded by people enjoying lots of different foods was not torturous, but it certainly is isolating. This is to no ones fault, it just is what it is. I kept myself busy and enjoyed the company.

Today we finally finished our Christmas shopping, most of the wrapping, and a few other errands. I am looking forward to having friends over for lasagna dinner (I think I'll have blended/thinned corn chowder with chicken).

My jaw symptoms are really OK. My jaw is at a 4/10 which is awesome. I think I have my arthritis medicine I started back up on Wednesday to thank for this! The swelling is up and down depending on my level of activity. I have a prescription topical litocaine ointment to use now on my devil hook, I haven't tried it yet as we just picked it up this afternoon. I hope it works well. I've been training myself this week while re-banding myself (3x a day) to do some deep breathing and sort of coach myself through it. I don't want my adrenal system to go totally crazy stressing over this. I had a scare with my right jaw cracking during my exercises on Wednesday & Thursday. Apparently this is okay, and as long as I continue my supplement regiment it will go away. I have not had any problems since Thursday night, so I hope it stays that way!!!

I am still exhausted a lot of the time. My energy comes in short spurts. It is getting better every week, and I think this week I have had the most energy since surgery. I need to find more productive things to do with my time now that I actually have energy to do anything, although I know I need to take it easy still as my body is still healing.

Hunger. I am very hungry. I want to have that post-Thanksgiving dinner feeling, actually I'd settle for feeling a little bit full. Being on liquids, even protein drinks, I just do not get that satisfying full feeling. Only 3.5 more weeks! Mom and I have planned out our trip to Santa Barbara for January. We will fly in the day before and out the day after my appointment. I am excited to get away from the cold for even 1 full day!

I think I'll post pictures in a couple days. I look the same as the last pictures posted.

To my family, I hope your travels to, in, and around TX is going well! I will miss you this holiday season!

Thank you everyone for your continued support! Each week poses new challenges, but I am learning to cope with them, and they are each a means to an end I am very much looking forward to.

Smiling :)


  1. I am so sorry about your cat. He knew you loved him and is in a better place :o)

    Cool x-rays in the following post btw!



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