Day 35 Post-Op...Halfway There!

Here we are, 5 weeks post-op. We've made it halfway to the soft-food diet! Only 5 more weeks and I can have mashed potatoes! Yesterday's botox went....well? I mean I got it done, and it hurt like hell because I had to clench my already stressed muscles while Dr. H injected the bottle of botox. He did two shots on each side. The shots were done in my masseter muscles. These are the muscles in your face that are right below your ear on your jaw line. If you want to see a picture click on the link above. I don't know if the botox is working yet. I know that I have had 3-4 jaw spasms on the left side since the injections. These are painful. The first one was the worst, it actually shook my entire head. So I don't know if my "masseter muscles" are better, I do know my joints are more pissed. I have been using heat pads to try and help the spasms and overall pain.

The swelling is continuing to go down. The left side is still more stubborn than the right, and I still have swelling above my upper lip.

I continue the struggle with food cravings...all of this stress is seriously my trigger for eating. If I had an eating disorder this would be a turning point in my therapy. Luckily for me I am just banded shut and can do nothing about these cravings but look forward to slowly getting back into chewing in a couple of months.

Right now my gums, lower lip, and chin are the only places without feeling. Still have the twitching in my lip and chin. I tried to upload a video, but it wasn't working. I'll try again tomorrow.

My eyes still feel strained 90% of the day. I asked my surgeons office about this and they said it can be a reaction to all of the medicine I was eyes are detoxing basically. So I guess that is good, right?

Tonight Katy made me a cookie shake...1 chocolate chip cookie & milk blended. I would recommend it. (However if you do not have a cookie, I think chocolate milk would be just about the same flavor wise.)

I think that's all for now, we've gotten some snow up here in the NE now!

Smiling while thinking about all the foods I can eat in 5 weeks!


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