Day 52! X-Ray Video!

Today I finally got my x-ray pictures in the mail from Dr. Gunson's office! I am so excited!! I made a video of the before and after x-rays. There are 2 before and 2 after pictures. I would have just put them up as pictures, but I think this is more exciting :) Feel free to stop it when the credits start rolling, I couldn't figure out how to cut the music so the video goes on longer than necessary.

I have more to blog on, but don't have the attention span to do one tonight after just making this video. I had a good Christmas, after a rocky start (details to come!). I love my bite, my pain is at a 3-4, swelling is holding out on me still, my jaw is ready to be in movement. It feels a lot better when I have the bands off...only 2.5 more weeks of full time bands!

Will post again soon!

Smiling :)


  1. yay!!!! love the video mar. i like seeing the updated xrays. i'm glad you had a good xmas, we really missed you down here!!! hopefully we'll be able to see you sometime soon! love ya!!!

  2. I drink boost for breakfast, and ensure for dizzert
    Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the suzzurp
    That right there could drive a sane (wo)man bizzerk
    Not to worry y'all, Mr. H 2 the Izzo's back to wizzerk.

    Nice song chioce :)



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