Day 48...Three Weeks to Soft Food!

Today is 48 days post-op...tomorrow is the 7 week mark! Phew! My pain level is good, at about a 4/10 still. I am still annoyed with food, or lack there of. However, I am very much looking forward to three weeks from today when I get to chew something delicious! I have noticed more recently that my taste buds are off. I liquefied corn chowder last night (a soup I usually love!) and it tasted terrible. For comparison, I had Sam taste it and he said it was good...tasted just like corn chowder. Hopefully this side-effect from the medication will go away soon!! I want to be able to taste and enjoy food when I can!

Here is today's smile looks contrived. It is because of the hook. It all comes back to the hook. I cannot smile without feeling like I am tearing my inner lip, thus causing a lot of pain. This is new in the last couple of days. I don't know what is causing this but I do not enjoy it!

Here's the 'ol close up of the face. The left side is still a bit more swollen than the right. I think this might have to do with how I am sleeping, I keep waking up more leaning to the left. No matter how I try to prop myself up, I continue to slump. Oh well, I will keep on trying!

I took a picture of the hook, but somehow I deleted it, and I just don't have the energy to take another one. The hook has made a deep groove in my lip and it is painful. I don't know what to do about it. The topical I was prescribed really doesn't do too much to help with any real pain and I don't think I'm supposed to use it on open wounds.

Overall I am finding I have more energy (in spurts), and I am looking forward to getting back into physical therapy (hopefully next week!!!!). I am going to start doing some light yoga after the holidays.

I don't really feel I have much else to blog on...I am looking forward to going to Boston tomorrow to see Sam's family for Christmas! I am also looking forward to my family in Texas to send me lots of pictures of their various festivities & my nieces 1st Christmas!

I'm going to keep on smiling...that's right hook, you can't stop me!! :)


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