34 Day's Post-Op...Botox...

Right now I am feeling not so great after having the botox this morning...I think it is starting to have an effect on my muscles and they feel worse right now...hopefully they will get better. I was feeling no different than yesterday just half an hour ago, so I don't know what cause the change. My jaw is now feeling very tight and like it is in an even greater spasm (if that is even possible). I had an unexpected spasm on my left side that felt so violent it moved my head. This stress really makes me miss eating solid food. Trying to stay positive. I was really feeling okay until half an hour ago...I'm not trying to sound very negative, it's just the way it is right now.

Still pleased with my bite and the rest of my recovery areas thus far.

Tomorrow is the 5 week post-op mark, lets hope it is a better day. I will post pictures....smiling :) I will not let this botox get me down.


  1. Hey Mare,
    Sorry to hear about your new pains. :( I do have to say, though, that I can see your cheek bones!! haha, your picture 2 days ago looks GREAT! You're in my thoughts and prayers. :)


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