Victory & Other Random Updates!

Yesterday's Gingivectomy has come and gone. All in all I am very pleased with the outcome. Victory! The picture to the left is of my right side gum where the gum was removed. The left looks exactly the same. The experience was OK, I still wish I could be asleep for any dental treatment where burning flesh and scraping is involved. Dr. Hardy was great. He said I was one of his favorite patients because I always have a smile on my face. I let him know this was a nervous smile today, and I was terrified of the ensuing pain from the Novocaine shots. He told me I could get "laughing gas" to help if I thought I needed it. I said "Yes, Please!" After the disaster I had with my mucous seal removal nightmare I didn't want to take any chances. I am very glad I did, I could feel the Novocaine shots, and the scraping, but I didn't have a panic attack this time. When Dr. Hardy used the laser to remove the extra gum tissue I could taste blood, and burning flesh. I know- gross, but it happened. My in-out time for the whole procedure was only 30 min, which was really good. As for recovery, I was back to "normal" about 2 hours post surgery. There was no bleeding, just an intense burning sensation. I felt like I had hot coals in my mouth. After this feeling was gone, I haven't really given a second thought to the Gingivectomy sites.

My jaw pain this week has been higher than last week. I think in part due to the Gingivectomy. Holding my jaw open was really difficult. Lots of popping and scraping noises per usual when forced to open my jaw wider than it likes (larger than about 8/10 of an inch). I am glad I am going in next week for a splint adjustment. I think it will really help stabilize the joints. For a weight gain update I have gain 15lbs. Whoohooo! I think this is a good number to try and stay at.

Last night I went to see Author David Sedaris with my friend Cro. It was amazing! We waited a little over an hour to chat with Sedaris, and to have him sign our books. I told him how I was having jaw surgery next month (27 days!), and so he signed my book, "I am so happy you're alive." Thanks Sedaris, I am too.

Next up in jaw business are more molds by Dr. Chira. I'm going in Monday to have them done in preparation for my appointment in NYC for my supplement tooth fitting with Dr. Mac.

The worst part about all of this dental work being done right before surgery is that I have already maxed out my dental coverage. Gingivectomy and any reconstruction work is all out of pocket. The implant at the end of July sucked all of my dental coverage funds. I hope next year will be much less expensive....

Not sure when I'll update next as nothing really interesting will be happening till next week. So, until then... keep smiling :)


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