8 Days To Go!

First off I would like to thank everyone who came to my "Bon Voyage" party! It was great to see everyone one last time before I get rid of this 'ol jaw. There was lots of delicious food and great company to match! I could not get through this without all of your support! Thank You! I think I am going to send out official "Thank You" cards from Santa Barbara while recovering.

I got a comment on one of my previous post from a fellow Dr. Gunson patient, I figured I would answer their questions in a blog post as the answers might be useful to someone else as well :) So here goes:

How did you get your insurance to cover the surgery?
Well, Dr. Gunson's office has a great staff! This includes someone who's job is to work with insurance companies to help get this surgery covered once your surgery date is within a 6mo. (I think) time range. They submit the claim for you. This does not mean that I did not have great help from my Dad in pressuring the insurance company to give us answers in a timely manner! I think (and Dad, correct me if I'm wrong), but I believe dealing with the insurance company for the surgery was easier than dealing with it for all of my other dental necessities (braces, splints, implants, teeth reconstruction, cyst removals).

Who is your insurance provider?
I have Cigna, but had to go on Cigna via COBRA insurance after I was out of school and over the age to stay on my parents health insurance. This is not cheap, however, it does outweigh paying for all of my doctor's appointments, surgeries, etc up front.

As of Saturday I have been off of Piroxicam (pain/inflammation meds) as well as fish oil, and Zyflamend (anti-inflammatory). It was easier on the first day that it has been in these following days. I think my body is going into some sort of withdrawal or detox after being on these meds for 2.5+ years. I am quite nauseous, have terrible muscle spasms in my jaw (tears have been shed), I feel light headed, and just overall not "normal." Last night it took me over 3 hours to fall asleep. I wasn't even thinking when trying to fall asleep I was just laying there. I think I may have to up the anty in muscle relaxers. My prescription is for 3 low doses a day and I have only ever taken 2. I think it would be in my best interest to indulge. As for dreams, I think they are actually better. This may be because I am so exhausted, pain ridden, and stressed. But I hope the bad dreams are gone for good. Trying to tune into the power of positive thinking.

This is my last week home before flying out on Saturday to Santa Barbara! I am so prepared, I feel a bit lost as to what to do with my time this week (besides work & doctors visits)...

Tomorrow is my final pre-op with my orthodontist when I will get my surgical hooks placed on my brackets, x-rays, pictures & measurements done. YESS! I also have my final cleaning with my general dentist, and have my pre-op blood work and urinalysis for Dr. Gunson done. Squeeze in a few hours of work in the morning and you've got one heck of a day!

My last day at work is Thursday. I will be training my replacement in the last two days, and then I say goodbye for good. Friday I am excited to have only 1 doctors appointment & 1 blood draw...then rest of the day to relax and spend time with Sam :)

All in all I am currently trying to manage pain, stay healthy, rest, and enjoy my last few days...oh and of course, smile :)


  1. Best of luck to you! I had a consult with Dr. Arnett back in July and am definitely gonna go with him (in a few years when I can afford it, lol) Congrats on getting insurance coverage!

    So 2-3 days before surgery you'll have a pre-op with Dr. Gunson, right? It'd be cool to see the ceph diagrams but if you're busy it's cool! I am so excited for you and look forward to your amazing result!


  2. Thanks Dan, I'll try to get Dr. Gunson to forward the ceph diagrams and other pictures to me after my appointment on Monday so I can post them here:)


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