
This week I have been feeling very tired and run down. I just can't seem to feel rested no matter how much I sleep. The only way I feel rested is if I get 12hrs of sleep. There is just no way I can do that every night. In the last few nights I've gotten about 9 hours each, which for a healthy body would be great. For me, however, it is just not enough I guess...

It is getting pretty cold up here now, it was 29deg. when I woke up this morning. With no heat on yet it is not exactly warm in our apartment! The cold, combined with the changing seasons, and stress means I am overdue for my fall cold. I can feel one wanting to come and live in my chest for a good couple weeks, but I am fighting it off the best I can. I am not allowed to get sick this month before surgery. If I do, they will have to postpone my surgery! Not happening, so I am not going to get sick. I am determined to stay healthy, no matter how much my body thinks it wants to be sick :)

I am starting to think about what I am going to do post surgery. I am leaving my job in 10 days, and do not plan on going back after surgery. I need (for my sanity) to get back into the classroom and teach! I miss it so much! I'm not sure how much time my body is going to need to heal well enough to talk all day....everyone is different. Nor do I know how I am going to make my way back into the classroom... Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!

I have set up my blog so I can update using texts. I'll have to figure out how it all works, but I think it will be helpful when posting after surgery.

That's all for now...gotta stay positive!


  1. I had surgery in mid-June and when I got back into the classroom late August it was rough. (However, there is always so much more talking at the beginning of the year when setting procedures.And you have youth on your side--I'm 39!) That being said, my OS has confirmed that I was a particularly difficult case; all aspects of the surgery and healing were more difficult than the norm. But you don't know where you will fall on the spectrum until you are on the other side. I wish you luck and would say take all the time you think you may need.

  2. I am overdue for my seasonal cold too, but I'm avoiding sick people at all costs! The dean at school has stocked each lecture hall with two giant bottles of Purell. I disinfect my hands every time I open a door! haha
    You're still in my prayers! What is the "average" recovery time? Will you still have a job at the school, or are you going to wait until you are all ready to head back?
    You'll probably want to substitute teach so you can talk all day one day and then rest the next. :) But I don't know much about what you teachers do. haha

  3. I am currently not working in a school. I have had to postpone my teaching because of my jaw. It just can't tolerate the talking/stress, and nor can my stomach. With all of the meds I'm on I have had ulcers in the past when I've gotten really stressed...awesome.

    I have never been one to use Purell but a good friend of mine bought a travel one for my purse and one for my desk at work. I now use them often for hope it will help prevent/postpone any virus from entering my body.

    It takes a FULL YEAR to recover, and even then you can be left with swelling and numbness. Recovery varies greatly from person to person. I hope to take a class next semester, and gradually move into subbing when I start to feel up to it....we'll see. I'll probably (financial reasons) get a part time job somewhere where I don't need to speak a couple month post surg....


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