Down With Captain Hook!!

This just in, I no longer have to wear my bands full time AND I do not have to use the hook at all!! I feel like crying I am so excited. The stress and pain of the hook was so heavy I feel like I can breathe again! The official email reads, "Since you are 8 weeks post op Mary, you only need to have elastics on at nights.So sorry to hear that the hook is still bothering you, Dr. Gunson advised not using an elastic on that hook any more-YEA!!!" Victory is mine!!

So this means I will be able to stretch my jaw all day and continue to increase my ROM. I am still on a liquid diet till the 13th when I go on a soft chew diet which according to the email I just received means I can have mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, etc.!! WHOOHHOOOOO

This is the greatest news of 2010 thus far.

Also, yesterday (despite the blizzard that brought nearly 3ft. of snow) we were finally able to celebrate Christmas with my parents and my younger sister. They drove to us as Sam and I were not daring enough to drive in the weather. It was really great to spend time with them! Thanks Family! I also spoke with my brother and other sister on the phone and it was great to talk with them! Many things to be grateful and thankful for in 2010 already.

Smiling, Smiling, Smiling!

PS. By popular demand I have made a before and after of my x-rays. When looking at the bottom right (the after, front view) you can see something that looks like a coat hanger...this is THE hook. It will hopefully be removed in March along with the screw that you can see in my profile after photo that is going deep above my upper teeth.


  1. woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!! yay mar!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations!! That is great news :o)

    I have a question about treatment times...How soon post-surgery can you begin flossing your teeth again? I know they let you use a baby toothbrush at a certain point, but what about flossing?


  3. Hi Dan, I do not know about flossing actually...I brush and do salt/hydrogen peroxide/water rinses, and regular mouthwash rinses. Because I do not have feeling in most of my gums it would be dangerous and at risk for infection if I were to start flossing just yet. Also, where the bone was broken during surgery it could be bad to floss in those areas while they are healing. I'll shoot out an email to Dr. G's office and see what they say though :)

  4. Thanks for the info! Yeah, I'm gonna have this done in another couple years w/Arnett and I'm just thinking how can you floss after surgery? It makes sense that you wouldn't want to disturb the areas where the bone was broken; especially in the case of a multi-segment lefort 1. I'm just weird about my flossing and never feel clean unless I am able to do it as well as brushing :P Anyway, you're doing great and you're a great inspiration for this procedure which seems very scary!



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