Day 67...Pictures!!

Finally pictures!! I just realized it has been since before Christmas that I posted any! My swelling had come down a bit since then. My left side is still more swollen.
Tomorrow I fly out with Mom to Santa Barbara for my 10 week post-op with Dr. Gunson. I am excited to get out of this cold weather here in the North East to the warm 70deg. weather there! We are only going to be there a couple of nights, but it will be reallllly amazing not to have to put on 8 layers before going outside.
Here's the ol' profile! I have a jaw line!! Whoohoooo!!!

The jaw clicking has been better the last two days, so I am feeling positive about that! My pain level is at about 3 at the beginning of the day, and by the end of the day it is a 4-5. I have been using heat on my face and neck. It makes a huge difference.

I am very excited to start my soft-chew diet!! I have yet to decide what I want to have as my "first" chew, but I'm thinking mashed potatoes and gravy might be the winner, although I have been craving some good guacamole. Anything but shakes, please!! Progress is slow, but I am so excited!

Sleeping has been getting easier. I still sleep elevated, but find myself waking up on my side. I do not think this is good, but it doesn't hurt so I am not going to worry too much about it. There's not much I can do since I'm asleep when I'm moving. My low back is very sore from sleeping propped up, so I am ready to lay back to normal soon.

Alright, I still need to pack and get myself ready for the early flight out tomorrow. I'll try to keep you posted when I get to CA!

Smiling! :)


  1. yay mar!!!!!!!! this trip will be so much better than the last one!!! i hope you have lots of mashed potatoes, guacamole, ice cream, yogurt, cheesy eggs, chocolate frosting, pudding, jello, chile con queso, etc., etc.! have fun, we can't wait to see you in april!


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