Back in Santa Barbara...68 Days Post-Op

Mom and I have finally made it to Santa Barbara...the 6 hour flight from Newark is killer, but I was able to sleep a little bit, but I was worried the whole time that my head was going to hit the window or something silly. I am very pleased to announce that my ears did not hurt too bad! They were and still are more clogged, but they did not had terrible sharp pains.

My biggest problem with flying in this liquid diet stage is that I can't bring my own protein shakes with me. Smoothies and shakes are hard to come by and when I do find them they are out of this world expensive! Thank God for the soft chew diet starting tomorrow!

Now I'm going to rest and have a smoothie then hit the hay a bit early tonight. I want to be able to enjoy our only full day in Santa Barbara tomorrow!

Pain levels at a 4, exhaustion level at a 8, excitement for soft chew 10!! I also realized today that I have a lot more feeling in my chin and bottom lip. They are both more sensitive to touch and temperature. Whooohoo! My gums are still mostly all numb I's hard to tell.

Smiling On!


  1. Go Mary! You're doing great! I am so jealous that you're in sunny, warm Santa Barbara right now! I hope the checkup goes well :)



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