Day 82 Post-Op...Long Overdue Post

I guess I can tell I am getting/feeling better because I no longer have the urge to blog about every last detail of my jaw jaw is starting NOT to rule my days/life. I'm taking my life back one ortho appointment at a time!

Last week I had my first archwire change since surgery. It was done at 11 weeks, which Dr. Chira said was the earliest and surgeon had allowed her to change a wire post-op. I was a bit nervous going in because I wasn't sure how getting the wire changed would feel. I thought maybe I wouldn't feel it at all because my gums are still so numb, but it actually felt just like any other adjustment I've had (meaning it was a little uncomfortable, but in no way painful). Tomorrow I will have my top wire changed which is a bit more complicated because of the acrylic over my brackets where they segmented my jaw bone. She will have to take off the acrylic and the brackets and then replace the brackets and put a new wire in. I hope the removal of the brackets doesn't hurt. My ROM last week was 24mm. I hope it has gone up this week, but it seems that since I have been chewing more my ROM is slower to increase. I think I need to do my exercises more. When I am off this soft-chew diet I want to be able to bite into a burger :)

Chewing is a task that takes a lot of energy out of me. I find myself practicing chewing with things like yogurt because I have forgotten HOW to chew. I think I am over-thinking it, but I feel my muscles want to work how they did pre-surgery...they need to learn that they are in a different location now. I understand why I am on this diet for 8-10 weeks. I have got to teach those muscles who's boss!

I am now allowed to sleep on my side...FINALLY! It feels good, my jaw doesn't get any discomfort. I still sleep elevated. The other night I woke up to find myself on no pillows at all and the swelling/drainage of fluid was terrible. It had pooled at the front of my neck, it looked quite strange for a couple hours.

My energy level is back to where it was pre-surgery, which is awesome. Although before surgery I was still very tired a lot because of jaw I am not where I want & need to be post-op, but I am well on my way.

My pain is about a 2-3 usually, but there are days where it is higher. The pain feel much like a constant headache, I think I may be dehydrated because I am no longer on the liquid diet I sometimes forget that I NEED to drink water still. Silly.

I feel so good to be at this point in my post-surgery progress. I still have swelling and numbness, but neither are anything that get in the way of my everyday life. The jaw clicking comes more often when I do not use my jaw. I am trying to teach myself to whistle again, I have conquered the tongue roll again, despite the slight numbness in my tongue! I really am coming to terms with my jaw and just hope that I keep progressing in a positive direction.

Thank you everyone for your support, thoughts, and prayers throughout this whole "experience."

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes! I imagine I'll be quite tired, but I will try to post in a more timely fashion!

Smiles! :)


  1. You sound like you're doing great! Nice to hear how quickly you've bounced back to (almost) normal everyday living :) Def tell those muscles who's boss :)


  2. oh Mary, I'm so happy to hear about your progress! keep up the good work! what kinds of soft food are you enjoying and is any of it getting old?


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