Day 75 Post-Op...Learning to Chew

So my soft chew diet is going well. However, my stomach is not pleased with having to digest actual food. It feels like a brick in my stomach. I hope this gets better as the eating goes on. It is very awkward to chew and I am really trying to get the hang of it. It is going to take some practice. I do have more energy now, which is good....but it makes winter and cabin fever that much worse!

I have a space developing between my right canine and the tooth in front of it, I hope this is supposed to happen. There is acrylic on these two brackets that has been on there since surgery. This is supposed to stabilize the area and I thought it was supposed to prevent the teeth from moving....I am worried about this, but I see Dr. Chira for my first orthodontic adjustment since surgery (11 weeks post-op). She is going to take off the acrylic and change the wire. One step closer to getting these braces off (hopefully in May!).

The pain is at a 2-3, my ROM is awesome (my official measurement is two fingers), numbness and twitching is still active in my chin and bottom lip (but they get better every day).

Each day smiling, and getting closer to getting back to "normal."


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