Day 89....Slow & Steady

I know I promised to post "soon" after my last ortho appointment, but I really have zero motivation for blogging lately....However, I know I must keep on with it, so here goes....

Last week I had my top wire changed. It was segmented in to three pieces, and Dr. Chira decided to keep it this way after replacing my brackets to keep my bite stable. We don't want any shifting to happen! When they took off the brackets it felt alright, not painful at all. They were only going to take off the brackets where the acrylic was over the braces, but the front brackets were loose and needed to be replaced as well. So I had the top brackets all exchanged from my ceramic ones to metal ones. To be honest it really doesn't make much of a difference look wise, and I think they will be easier to work with from here on out.

The joints. My joints feel stiff a lot of the time, they feel better when I do my exercises. It is difficult training my muscles to work them the way I need them to in order to chew properly. My right joint makes noise but it isn't painful usually. I just feel an overall ache around both joints. I do have some ear ringing every couple of days. My biggest complaint lately are the muscle spasms I get at the base of my skull and into my neck and shoulders. I think this is because prior to surgery I had to hold my head differently than I do now, and it is taking some time for me to figure it out. There are all of these little subtle things that keep popping up that I otherwise wouldn't have given a second thought.

I still get tired fairly easily, but the more I drink and eat the better I feel. I have officially stopped with protein drinks all together, but I think I might work them back into my meals because they gave me a lot more energy. Some foods I have been enjoying lately are: mashed potatoes in a variety of ways, mac & cheese, overcooked pasta, eggs, eggs, and more eggs, jello, peanut-butter pie (thanks Bonnie!!!), undercooked brownies with lots of milk, pancakes, and my favorite my "Tex-Mex bowl of Love". Haha well this is what I call it, it consists of: re-fried beans, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, salsa, sauteed green peppers and onions (overcooked) and overcooked rice alllll mixed together...this may sound gross to some, but to me it is the most flavor I have had in a long time, and it is incredible! I also do enjoy overcooked veggies, and making squash.

Swelling is still hanging around, and I am just now starting to see some lasting features. People say I look like me, "just better." Which I take as a compliment. I am continuing to try and relearn how to whistle, and increase my ROM. It was at 25mm last week. I don't get measured again till next week. I hope I am up a couple of mm. I think I have lost some mobility in my upper right lip area. I am able to smile and do all "normal" things, although prior to surgery I was able to do the "Elvis" lip on both sides, and now I can only do it on the left.

Next week Dr. Mac is coming up from NYC to see me and several other patients. I hope he gives me some sort of time-line for restorative care (making sure my teeth are the perfect shape and fit) and getting these braces off! I think it will all be determined by when I can open my mouth wide enough to get in there and take molds for retainers.

I know I need to post pictures, and I will do it eventually. I just don't think I have much of a difference going on here.

Still smiling and plugging along!


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