Day 100 Post-Op!!! "It's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise...And I ain't gonna lose!"

Day 100!!! I have come so far in the last week. I had a stressful appointment on Monday with Dr.C and Dr.Mac. They decided that my top front segment was too "mobile" still so I have to go to NYC for an appointment in a couple of weeks to have bonding put on to stabilize things. It freaks me out when they say things are "mobile" it makes me think something is wrong, but I think it is OK. I think I am mostly concerned about it because last weekend I started getting feeling back in this area and it has been burning and hurting quite a bit, much like when parts of my face were getting feeling back. The feeling in my gums is getting better, but it still burns.

In PT and Osteopath treatments this week I felt pretty weak. I guess some weeks will just be better than others. On a very positive note my ROM is now 29mm and growing!!! Whoohoo!

Pain- yes, but minimal- 2/10. I'd say it feels more like exhaustion than anything else.

Numbness- In my bottom lip and chin (still twitching too!), my tongue, and my gums. It is all slowly coming back, so I am hopeful I will make a full recovery in this area.

I still wear double bands on each side to hold my jaw in place at night. I have to do this along with my current soft-chew diet for another 4-6 weeks. I am used to my soft-chew diet now, but it is difficult to go out to restaurants. Mashed potatoes, eggs, and mac & cheese are amazing, but really can only be done is so many ways.

I started volunteering in a classroom this week, and it is amazing to be back in a classroom. I cannot wait to have my own classroom. This jaw has postponed me long enough!! I feel very fortunate to have such supportive family and friends to encourage me along the way. THANK YOU!

Easing into "normal" life, and embracing my recovery time for all that it is worth has been a new revelation to me this week. I was feeling a bit down, "post-op blues" "cabin fever" whatever you want to call it has been trying to take hold of me, but I am going to stay positive and keep on smiling. I am going to recover to the best of my ability now because when am I ever going to have this time to heal again in my life? If I don't take advantage and fully recover now, I may regret it down the road.

I've noticed lately that the swelling isn't really changing at all, although I know there is more in there. Dr. G says it will take a year for the full swelling to go away due to all of the bone grafting and movement I had done. I'm not sure how I feel about how I look, I know I don't look too much different from before surgery, but I do look different. I wonder when I'll stop thinking about it every time I look in the mirror.... Dr. G is also having me stop the hormone therapy because he no longer sees my hormones as a threat to my joint health at this point. Whoooo! Two less medications to take!

Now, to enjoy the Olympics, celebrate Valentines Day, and keep on smiling!


  1. Keep on rockin' kiddo- you're doing amazing.

  2. You are the champion Mary! Woo hoo. You're doing great, those braces will be off in no time :)

  3. Hi Merym,

    Hope the treatment is going okay and you are adjusting to ‘normal’ life. I came across your blog after checking finding you on Melissa’s blog. Glad to hear the pain is not too great and I hope the swelling is not too bad. It’s worth it in the end anyway, and I am sure you know this. Congrats on deciding to blog about your treatment – a great way to help others who are unsure about such treatment to go ahead with it themselves.

    I am just wondering if you would have any links on your blog, specifically to the on your side tab, which would give you and your followers’ access to a range of information concerning dental treatment like TMJ and braces.

    The Cosmetic Dentistry Guide is the leading provider of cosmetic dental information online in the UK and the most visited in the world, and includes a forum as well as an expert answers section, so if you or your followers have any questions then feel free to ask.

    Orthodontics -
    TMJ Disorder -

    Our homepage is:

    I hope you find the site useful and that your recovery is going well. I look forward to seeing the results.


  4. Mary, you look great! I can't believe how long you've been dealing with jaw stuff while remaining a trouper. I have a Lefort I scheduled for March 9. I hope I can hang in there like you have!

    Something else -- I've just started a post-surgical eats blog called Jaw Nom Nom. I'm looking for recipe submissions from people who have had orthognathic surgery. If you have any recipes or combinations you've liked, please e-mail me the recipe at tkates at gmail dot com.

  5. Oops! Forget to add the URL. it's


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