Here We Go!

In 49 days, I will have jaw surgery.

Hello, I'm Mary. I'm 24 and I live in Vermont. I'm starting this blog so I update my friends/family on my condition leading up to surgery & post-op since. Also, I'd like this blog to be a place for me to log my frustrations and triumphs. While preparing for surgery I have found a lot comfort in reading other "ortho-blogs" and message boards. I hope I am able to ease someone else's worry or answer questions that they may have about the surgery from a first-hand perspective.

Quick synopsis of my situation:

I have been seeing orthodontists since the age of 5...but I didn't start having major problems until "all hell broke loose" in the fall of ' senior year in college...I was taking 21 credits, and working 2 part time jobs, along with being involved in clubs, and attempting to have a social life...I like to think the start of all of my problems (which was a broken tooth) was a sign to slow down...I was forced to listen.

Currently I have condyle resorption of both TMJ joints...meaning, basically, my joints are shrinking and are arthritic causing chronic pain. I have been through splint therapy and have my second set of braces (Braced Dec. 07 for second time...first time was from '95-'01). I am undergoing hormone therapy for joint stabalization. I take about 25 pills a day, most of them are suplements; however, I do have 5 prescriptions mixed in the bunch.

From surgery I hope to attain two major things all while keeping a pleasant asthetic appearance:
  1. Less jaw joint pain/grinding/mallacollision of teeth by jaw stabalization;
  2. Sleep...good solid sleep by opening my airways, and less neck/jaw tention

Current Players & their positions in my jaw surgery game:

#1 Dr.Gunson
  • Head Surgeon, Santa Barbara, CA
  • 1st Consult May 2007, started medicine "cocktail" of pain killers, muscle relaxers, supplements, and antibiotics. Cocktail is thought to help heal arthritic TMJs.

#2 Dr.Chira
  • Orthodontist Extraordinaire, Burlington, VT
  • 1st Consult October 2006
  • Started Splint Therapy January 2007
  • Bottom Braced December 2007
  • Top Braced February 2009
#3 Dr. Myers
  • My Osteopath, Milton, VT
  • Helps to manage pain/keep my sanity through the process
  • Does routine blood test to make sure medicines aren't hurting my body too much...anti-biotics can be mean...
#4 Serena
  • Physical Therapist, Essex, VT
  • Pool and Manual Therapy to manage pain
  • 2 Apointments/Week
  • We don't do any work to my acutal jaw joints. They are WAY too sensitive. We work on stabalizing my core and attempting to keep the rest of my joints happy as they are hyper-mobile.
  • I get the most relief from massage and ultrasounds done on my neck and shoulders to ease the muscle tention from my jaw.
#5 Dr.Mac
  • Dentist, New York, New York
  • My Dentist (besides cleanings)- he has been working to restore my teeth which have been worn down due to grinding.
  • Works closely with Dr.Chira & Gunson to decide the best course of treatment.
#6 Dr.Hardy
  • Implant Doctor/Gingevectomy Doctor...he does the dirty work so I can I have my surgery in a timely manor.
I have had several other doctors mixed in during different times, but they aren't big players at this point.

Alright, I think that's all I'll post for now...already wrote more than I'd planned. Hopefully I was clear in all I've written thus far, if you have any questions or want me to elaborate on anything just let me know! I'll try to be good about this whole blogging thing....

Until next time...Smile :)


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