4 Months Post-Op...

Today is my 4 mo. anniversary since surgery! I would love to say that I feel amazing and ready to seize everything that comes my way, however my appointment with Dr. Mac (in NYC) on Tuesday has stopped me in my tracks. My 75min. appointment turned into 4hours. This appointment was supposed to be reconstructive stuff, a move in a positive direction...

Dr. Mac started by checking my bite. He took molds, did the dreaded facebow, taking pictures, and all the other standard bite assessment techniques. He then poured my models and disappeared for about an hour. When he came back he said he had been on a call with Dr. Chira (ortho) and Dr. Gunson (surgeon). He showed me my models and pointed out where my bite was off. All of my bite was hitting in the front segment of the teeth (VERY BAD!). My side teeth were not touching at all. This was quite unexpected and upsetting! I have been doing everything to a "T" so my bite doesn't regress and things like this don't happen. Because my bite is "open" in the back now I had to go see my ortho yesterday. She put a new wire with springs on it to push teeth in directions that might help my teeth touch in better ways. I also have three different types of rubber bands on each side to hold my bite in place. I think the idea is that this will help solve the problem and I won't have to have surgery again. That being said, I did have to schedule an emergency visit with Dr. Gunson in Santa Barbara NEXT WEEK. So next week I will once again travel to the West Coast. Dr. G thinks this can be solve non-surgically, but is worried there might be something wrong with my joints or bones that cannot be helped with orthodontics, which is why I need to see him so soon.

On a positive note Dr. Mac was able to adjust my top canine teeth so when I slide my jaw side-to-side it is stable. Also, I am able to travel to a warm place next week when it is still cold here in the north east :). I am really trying to stay positive. There is nothing I can do now, but roll with the punches and take them the best I can.

Diet- still soft-chew

Pain- now that I have the rubber bands and new wire on my pain is up around a 6/7 with pain in my ears and muscle spasms all over my head. Botox with Dr. Gunson next week should help with the muscle spasms.

Twitching/Numbness- lip twitching is still lingering, as is slight numbness in my chin, bottom lip, and gums (although it is getting better daily).

Before surgery I thought, "If I just get this surgery over with it'll all get better", but now I'm on the other side and realize it is just as much a struggle as it was before. No real answers, or set time-line...just a lot of patience and trust.

Smiling On because I have so much to be grateful for. Yes, this is another bump in the road, but I refuse to let my jaw regain control of my life yet again! Thank you for everyone for your love and support!


  1. Hang in there Mary! I'm here cheering you on. I am crossing my fingers that it can be fixed without more surgery. I have to think, since you're still healing, it may be easier to fix the problem before everything sortof calcifies? I'm not a doctor but if Dr. Gunson thinks it can be helped non-surgically, there's definitely hope!


  2. You've put a lot of work into your mouth, and it's not for naught. Dr. Gunson will help you solve this.

  3. Mary -- Hang in there and enjoy the ride -- its the only one in town. The goal posts keep being moved back, but stay in the game! You'll have all of eternity to lie down and rest, but until then, life is what happens while you're waiting, so ENJOY and keep all this temporary crap in perspective.

    Have fun while in Santa Barbara.



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