20 Weeks and 2 Days Post-Op

Today I'm feeling very tired. Sam and I got back from Spain at 1:30 Tuesday morning. (It was an amazing trip!) I don't know if it is the jet lag or getting used to taking my meds in this time zone, but I am feeling quite exhausted and have a constant headache. I am trying to stay hydrated, and have cut back on chewing. I am chewing more soft food for now. My jaw is very tense. I think it's due to the rubber-bands I wear at night. I have to remember that I still have a lot of healing going on...I may be nearly 5 months post-op, but with the extensive surgery I had I understand it takes time.

Pain- 4-5/10

Numbness- Bottom lip (with twitching), some chin, most of my gums

Opening (ROM)- about 30-32mm

I think the cold weather is also a factor as to why my face/jaw have been hurting more. The positive is that my bite still feels good as long as I am wearing the bands as I need to (only at night). I do have more energy now, which is awesome; however even I forget that I am not back to 100% which causes me to be more tired. Also getting back into "real life" means more real life stresses...such as applying for jobs...I just need to take everything in strides and keep myself on the right track for staying healthy.

Me & Sam in Spain
Smiling on through tired eyes :)


  1. Cute picture! I'm glad you're still recovering. :) You look great!

  2. You must have had an amazing trip!

    Although you had a pretty radical surgery five months ago, I'm surprised to read that you score that high on the pain scale. Did your surgeon say to expect that?

  3. My pain level varies during the day, but I feel a constant pain/pressure in my joints. I have extensive condyle resorption & arthritis that is trying to heal after years of damage. My surgeon says that with time and the medication I am on, my joints will get better. They will never be 100%. I do have better days than today, but I just try and deal with each day as they come. :)


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