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Last week I found out at my splint appointment that I need to make yet another trip to New York City to see Dr. Mac. He will be creating my "supplement" tooth for my implant, along with tuning up some other teeth that have been worn down with my grinding since I was without a splint since February. I thought Dr.Mac would be able to come up to VT in October, but plans changed. Another unplanned cost, nearly $300 on the airplane ticket. I also got a call from the Red Cross to set up my blood donation. I need to have them take a pint of my blood, freeze it, and send it out to the hospital in CA for me if I need a transplant. Another cost, but I am happy to have it done just in case I need it! They told me it won't be covered under insurance do to the contract the Red Cross has with my hospital in CA. I think I will try to fight it anyway, and save around $400. It feels really good to have all of my appointments from now until my surgery scheduled! I've recently received ...