5 Years Post-Op

When I started this blog I promised myself that I would continue to post updates for at least 5 years post-op. It was really challenging for me to find blogs beyond 3 years post-op when I was reading about other peoples experiences. I want people reading about personal experiences with jaw surgery to have some knowledge of what it's like not just a day, month, or year out - but years! 

Here's where I'm at today:

Nerves: The nerves in my lower lip only twitch when I am really exhausted or stressed (same as 4 year mark). Places in my face that I am still lacking some feeling- chin, lower lip, and gums. This lack of feeling isn't annoying or problem causing- it just is what it is...

Swelling/Pain: I still have days where my face puffs up a bit- usually in extreme heat/humidity, or when I have a lot of neck tension.

Plates and Screws: I still feel vibrations when at a concert where there is feedback from the amplifiers, so I try to stay away from concerts with a lot of feedback; however, this has gotten a bit better. The cold and air pressure seem to be the biggest triggers for plates/screw pain or annoyance. 

In the last year, a lot has changed in our lives- we've moved and had a baby girl (she's 1 week & 1 day today!). Jaw surgery is only a short time period in our lives- despite how it might feel at the time. I am so grateful to have had the surgery & I am able to continue on with life in a more pain free & functional way. 

Me, 5 years post-op & our baby girl
On a final note, I'd like to give a shout out to Mike Napoli of the Boston Red Sox (Go Sox!) who is having jaw surgery today! Best of luck, sir- I'm happy to share this jawversary date with you!


  1. Hi, thanks for your updates.
    Have you had any further resorption of your condyles? Any signs of relapse? Thanks. I've just been diagnosed with condylar resorption and really confused about how to fix my face. I was told surgery would make it worse and would relapse anyway.

  2. Hi Bianca,

    I have not had any more resorption of my condyles. I'll be doing an update on Nov. 4th for my 6yr post-up, but no relapse yet! I would recommend getting a second opinion. If you call Dr. Gunson's office in Santa Barbara, CA perhaps they could give a recommendation of someone in your area? Best of luck! -Mary


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