4 Years Post-Op

So, it's been 4 years since my jaw surgery...HOOORAYYY! It has been so long I feel quite disconnected from the experience. Well, other than knowing it was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. As a teacher I am constantly telling my students to persevere and that "struggling" can be a good thing, it helps us grow. This is exactly how I feel about my jaw surgery experience. No matter how challenging, I am so happy that I had the surgery done. I don't even want to think of the pain I would be in if I hadn't done it. 

Here's where I'm at today:

Nerves: The nerves in my lower lip only twitch when I am really exhausted or stressed (same as 3 year mark). I have almost all of the feeling in my chin and lower lip. I got the feeling back in the tip of my nose this year. I have feeling in my gums, but not full feeling.

Swelling: I still have days where my face puffs up a bit when I have chewed or talked too much, but it goes down when I get a good nights rest (same as 3 year mark). It also swells in the extreme heat.

Plates and Screws: I still feel vibrations when at a concert where there is feedback from the amplifiers, so I try to stay away from concerts with a lot of feedback (same as 3 year mark). Whenever I have a cold the screws near my nose get a little sore, but it goes away when my cold goes away. In the cold of winter I bundle up my face more than I would have before. My face is also a great air pressure gage. 

Here are a few pictures from my year....always smiling!

Day of Surgery & Wedding Day
Best Cake-topper Ever (From our Wedding)
New Years
Flashback: Day 13 Post-Op with Sam
A continued Thank You to my amazing doctors! Thank you to my friends and family who've been with me through this whole process!Thank you to my amazing husband who continues to support me today as he did then!  I love you all!! 

To all of those people who read my blog while on their own jaw surgery journey, remember that no two people have the same experience, and everyone heals differently. For me jaw surgery was the hardest & most painful thing (both physical and mental) I have ever gone through in my life. I know that it has made me a much stronger person AND I have never EVER regretted doing it. 

Lots of love and SMILES! -Mary


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