2 Years Post-Op Update

Here I am, 2 years post-op and smiling on! Last year at this point I had some PTSD of sorts from the anxiety of my surgery. This year I am celebrating my 2 year anniversary, but I didn't have any anxiety! Yay!  

I am still so happy I had the surgery, and my life is forever better for it. I recently saw Dr. Gunson here on the east coast for a visit, and he continues to be pleased with my recovery.

In the past year I was finally able to get a classroom of my own! I have 16 amazing Kindergarten students, and I could not love it any more! It is truly my dream job, and I went through at lot to get where I am.

I'm not sure of my current ROM (range of motion), but it isn't even a concern for me. I eat apples at least 3 times a week, and I don't usually have to choose foods that are really soft. I do have days where my jaw is more sore because of stress. I am still working with my physical therapist on neck and shoulder tension related to how my body holds stress, and the way my body was just built. My muscles just don't work like the average person.

Nerves: The nerves in my lower lip only twitch when I am really exhausted or stressed. Just two weekends ago I was getting feeling back in the tip of my nose! It was so cool! I still don't have full feeling in my chin and bottom lip, but the feeling has become my norm. If I get feeling back in those places, cool. If not, I'm not going to be upset about it. 

Swelling: I still have days where my face puffs up a bit when I have chewed or talked too much, but it goes down when I get a good nights rest.

Plate and Screws: I still feel vibrations when at a concert where there is feedback from the amplifiers, so I try to stay away from concerts with a lot of feedback. Whenever I have a cold the screws near my nose get a little sore, but it goes away when my cold goes away.

I have to give a shout out to my friend Lindsay who had the same jaw surgery this year with Dr. Gunson. She had a much easier recovery than myself. If you are preparing for jaw surgery, or in recovery, please remember that everyone has a different recovery. 

Meeting this 2 year mark, and still making progress, makes me feel very happy about my surgery and everything that has happened since. Below you can find a few pictures of me living my life sans jaw drama! 

Official School Photo 2011-2012

Sam & I at one of the Red Sox games we went to this summer!

Me with my nieces! I love spending time with them (and having energy to do it)!

Tonight Sam is taking me to the same fancy Italian restaurant he went to last year for my 1 year anniversary...yum, yum!! 

Thank you so much for the support over the last 6 years! It was a long road, but so worth it! 

Smile On Jaw Buddies!


  1. Thanks Bri! Happy birthday weekend!

  2. Congrats. Wish I was in your shoes.

  3. Hello, Mary! My name is Sandra. I recently had surgery with Dr. Gunson (it'll be 7 weeks ago tomorrow!). I just wanted to tell you I found your blog only days before I flew out to California. I googled Dr. Gunson's name and found it! I read your blog from beginning to end in those last few evenings before my big day! I was so glad to have found your blog because I just didn't know what to expect. It really helped me to prepare mentally for what was coming my way.
    I am a week away from when I will hopefully be cleared for my soft chew diet and just today I decided to find your blog again so I could, once again, get a glimpse of what to prepare myself for! I'm telling you all this to say I've been so thankful for your commitment to blog your way through this process. It's really been helpful and encouraging to me! There have been days when I've wondered if I'll ever be able to eat normally or open my mouth very far again and literally think of your one year post op post explaining that you have no regrets and can eat again and a normal range of motion! So thank you! I'm so glad to have found you. Congratulations on doing so well!

  4. P.S. I mentioned your name to Dr. Gunson and Kim while I was there, telling them I found your blog, and their response was so nice! They obviously have an affection for you. :)
    Also, I'm so excited to see that you're eating apples! It helps me to know it will happen again for me someday!

  5. Hi Mary!! I 've started following your blog and ha you are indeed done! YOU LOOK GREAT ! :)
    I just consulted with Gunson last week, very nice guy but I have a ton of questions and was looking for more info from a patient of his!

    First with the cost of surgery, how would you say it ranked with other surgeons? What insurance did you use if any, how much did they cover and such?
    I really liked the consult and the info provided but Im somewhat overwhelmed with the cost! I hope to hear from you !

    Suzie :)

  6. Hey! I have read your journey and wanted to ask about your experiences with dealing with anxiety and PTSD from looking back on the surgery. I'm 4 years post op and had what is considered a positive outcome all around in regard to my issues and I am going through what you described and wanted to see if you could offer some perspective on how to cope with those feelings. My email is dovidiostore@gmail.com Thank you!


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