Reasons for Surgery

Recently I have had several other "jaw buddies" state that my situation has made them second guess getting their jaw surgeries. This scares me because if anything my experience should do the exact opposite! If I didn't have this surgery I would have eventually lost all of my teeth due to my clenching/grinding/terrible alignment of my teeth. Not to mention the terrible/unbearable pain I was in pre-surgery. Compared to where I was pre-surgery I am doing amazing! I just still have pain and muscle spasms (due to the arthritis) that the average person doesn't have. These are things I knew would not be cured by my surgery. Surgery DID help tremendously and I have not regretted for one second getting my surgery.

Dr. Gunson and his team have been so supportive and helping in figuring out what treatment is best for me pre/post-op. Nothing is black and white, and no two people will have the EXACT reasons for having surgery, nor the exact results. It is a personal choice, and for me I know I could not have had a great quality of life if I had not gone through with the surgery. Has it been a walk in the park? No. Has it cost a lot of money? Yes. But can I chew my food? Yes. Is my pain level below a 6 every day? Yes. Do I have confidence in my smile? Yes. Do I sleep better at night (both mentally & physically)? Yes.

This process certainly is frustrating and confusing, but I know I am getting the best care I can for the situation I am in.

I hope that my "case" is never the reason for someone to or not to get surgery, but more of a motivation for other people to do their research and do what is best for them.

Again, no two people go into surgery in the exact same way and no one comes out the exact same way. We certainly have similar "cases" but it is really up to you and your families to figure out what is best for you. If you have questions about surgery, or my particular case I am happy to answer them BUT I am not a doctor and can only speak to my experiences. 

Always Smiling :)


  1. You're doing GREAT, Mary. We agree with your assessment of the situation. We all have issues of one sort or another. One step at a time. You've conquered one hurdle, now on to the next. Life is the journey, not the destination! So... enjoy and SMILE.


  2. Hi Mary,

    You don't know me, but I randomly came across your blog while doing some research on condylar resorption. I had jaw surgery with Dr. Arnett, Dr. Gunson's partner, in December, 2005. And it was the best thing I ever did. I was 20 and a senior in college when I had it done - I am now 27 and I still feel amazing. The pain I had before having surgery was excruciating and I never have problems now, other than the occasional pain if I chew gum.. which I shouldn't be doing anyway! I have had to make some trips back to Cali to have my bite adjusted here and there, but all in all, it was definitely the right decision.

    I hope no one is second guessing reconstructive surgery -- it has changed my life.. looks like it changed yours, too! Thanks for sharing your journey through a very long, grueling process.. I can definitely empathize!! Thanks again for sharing! :)


    1. Hi Rebecca,

      Not sure if you'll get around to reading this - but may I ask did what sort of surgery you had? Did you notice any relapse?

      Did you have joint replacements at all?


  3. congrats on getting through it! i'm one month my recovery, so i feel the worst has passed and it has definitely been a long and painful process. I read all these jaw surgery blogs before my surgery, but i didnt appreciate what so many people were going through until it was my turn. Thanks for being open on your blog about everything and helping the rest of us out!


  4. Mary,

    Your comments on the other forum about jaw tenderness haven't changed my mind about getting surgery. Thank you for continually blogging and posting. It helps to hear how you are doing. I'm starting to get nervous for surgery because I know it's right around the corner. I plan on having it sometime next spring once I've had braces on for 4 to 5 months and everything is set with insurance. I cannot wait to have all my teeth come together comfortably. It consumes my every thought. Good luck with the tenderness. Hope you start feeling better and enjoy the benefits thus far.



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