
This just in- new medication! The endless amount of change going on everyday with my healing mostly goes unnoticed. I don't feel my bone healing, and rarely feel nerves regenerating anymore- I am just so used to the feelings that they have become my "norm." This being said, my muscles are a constant reminder that I had surgery. They are so unhappy. They were rotated, torn, pushed, cut, and Lord only knows what else. Yesterday, they told me they were angry- very angry, unable to chew type of angry. The Botox is yet again wearing off, this time at the 1.5 month mark...couldn't even last two months. So yesterday I saw my ortho, She said everything looks excellent and we just need to "get these things off"- in reference to my braces. On her end there is no cause for the pain. I talked with Dr. Gunson's office and through our discussion they've decided the best course of action is to put me on a new medication to take in combo with my other muscle relaxer before bed. 

The new med is Gabitril a.k.a Tiagabine which is traditionally used as an anticonvulsant, but we're going to be using it for it's side effect of muscle relaxation. They think the combo of the the two along with icing & tissue massage, and heat will do the trick to calm my muscles down. So GOOD NEWS-braces and bite look great; BAD NEWS- TMJ muscles are still freaking out about being moved so much and do not know how to relax...this sure is a work in progress & a great test of patience. As Dr.Myers likes to say "your face is like a newborn, it needs time to grow and heal- it isn't going to happen overnight." Dr. Chira and Mac on the other hand, like to say my jaws/teeth are a "princess" because they are so sensitive and react so greatly to everything. All I know is, I am still very happy I had this surgery done, and how I feel now is still 1,000X better than before surgery!

Smiling On!


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