Today I'm feeling very tired. Sam and I got back from Spain at 1:30 Tuesday morning. (It was an amazing trip!) I don't know if it is the jet lag or getting used to taking my meds in this time zone, but I am feeling quite exhausted and have a constant headache. I am trying to stay hydrated, and have cut back on chewing. I am chewing more soft food for now. My jaw is very tense. I think it's due to the rubber-bands I wear at night. I have to remember that I still have a lot of healing going on...I may be nearly 5 months post-op, but with the extensive surgery I had I understand it takes time. Pain- 4-5/10 Numbness- Bottom lip (with twitching), some chin, most of my gums Opening (ROM)- about 30-32mm I think the cold weather is also a factor as to why my face/jaw have been hurting more. The positive is that my bite still feels good as long as I am wearing the bands as I need to (only at night). I do have more energy now, which is awesome; however even I forget that I am not bac...