
Showing posts from March, 2010

Short Post w/ New Inspiration :)

Today I got an email from a great friend with inspirational quotes from Maya Angelou. This is one that I could probably stand to think about-     "I've learned that even when I have pains,  I don't have to be one."   - Maya Angelou   Smiling on, and trying to ignore the nerve growth near (thus more awareness of) my screws. 

20 Weeks and 2 Days Post-Op

Today I'm feeling very tired. Sam and I got back from Spain at 1:30 Tuesday morning. (It was an amazing trip!) I don't know if it is the jet lag or getting used to taking my meds in this time zone, but I am feeling quite exhausted and have a constant headache. I am trying to stay hydrated, and have cut back on chewing. I am chewing more soft food for now. My jaw is very tense. I think it's due to the rubber-bands I wear at night. I have to remember that I still have a lot of healing going on...I may be nearly 5 months post-op, but with the extensive surgery I had I understand it takes time. Pain- 4-5/10 Numbness- Bottom lip (with twitching), some chin, most of my gums Opening (ROM)- about 30-32mm I think the cold weather is also a factor as to why my face/jaw have been hurting more. The positive is that my bite still feels good as long as I am wearing the bands as I need to (only at night). I do have more energy now, which is awesome; however even I forget that I am not bac...

"Go and eat a burger!" -Dr.Gunson

You know you're in California when... My sister Katy and I flew into Santa Barbara late last Wednesday night, arriving at our hotel at midnight. My appointment was at 10:45 Thursday morning. We chose a hotel only a few blocks from Dr.G's office so we were able to walk. The weather was amazing! Before my appointment I was very nervous. Had my bite regressed? Would I need a second surgery? All of the unknown was driving me crazy, and I was trying NOT to let it get the best of me. When I into my appointment with Dr. G he said he had been worrying and stressing over the last week about my bite and hoping that when he took a peek inside all would be well. He looked at my closed bite, took measurements and said that everything looked great! He said Dr. Chira had done the perfect thing with the bands and the new wire. They have moved my teeth into the correct position. He was worried that my jaw had shifted out of it's corrected location, and was pleased to see this didn't hap...

Shipping Off to Santa Barbara....Again

Tomorrow I fly out to Santa Barbara with my sister Katy (thanks for coming with me Kate!). My appointment with Dr. G in on Thursday. I think it will be good news. The bands and the new wire seem to be doing their job. My back teeth are touching now. I just hope Dr. G thinks the same thing I do! I am concerned about the health of my joints, but I have hope he will have positive things to say about them too! Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers! I am staying positive, and going to make the most out of this trip :) I will try to post a blog update soon after my appointment, but I won't have Internet access so I'll have to find a public computer if I want to do one. The post may have to wait till Saturday when we're home. Staying Positive & Smiling On! :)

4 Months Post-Op...

Today is my 4 mo. anniversary since surgery! I would love to say that I feel amazing and ready to seize everything that comes my way, however my appointment with Dr. Mac (in NYC) on Tuesday has stopped me in my tracks. My 75min. appointment turned into 4hours. This appointment was supposed to be reconstructive stuff, a move in a positive direction... Dr. Mac started by checking my bite. He took molds, did the dreaded facebow, taking pictures, and all the other standard bite assessment techniques. He then poured my models and disappeared for about an hour. When he came back he said he had been on a call with Dr. Chira (ortho) and Dr. Gunson (surgeon). He showed me my models and pointed out where my bite was off. All of my bite was hitting in the front segment of the teeth (VERY BAD!). My side teeth were not touching at all. This was quite unexpected and upsetting! I have been doing everything to a "T" so my bite doesn't regress and things like this don't happen. Becau...

Yuck...this jaw....yuck.

I met with Dr.Mac in NYC appointment was 4hrs long, and by the end of it the result was that I need to go back to Santa Barbara stat to see Dr. bite isn't how it should be. I'll post with more detail tomorrow after seeing my ortho...right now I'm just very frustrated.