Reasons for Surgery
Recently I have had several other "jaw buddies" state that my situation has made them second guess getting their jaw surgeries. This scares me because if anything my experience should do the exact opposite! If I didn't have this surgery I would have eventually lost all of my teeth due to my clenching/grinding/terrible alignment of my teeth. Not to mention the terrible/unbearable pain I was in pre-surgery. Compared to where I was pre-surgery I am doing amazing! I just still have pain and muscle spasms (due to the arthritis) that the average person doesn't have. These are things I knew would not be cured by my surgery. Surgery DID help tremendously and I have not regretted for one second getting my surgery. Dr. Gunson and his team have been so supportive and helping in figuring out what treatment is best for me pre/post-op. Nothing is black and white, and no two people will have the EXACT reasons for having surgery, nor the exact results. It is a personal choice, and ...